Chartered Accountant Salaries In South Africa (2023) Average

The job of a chartered accountant can be demanding, and as such, the average chartered accountant is reasonably paid. In South Africa, chartered accountant salaries are some of the best you will come across, for obvious reasons.

Chartered Accountant Salaries In South Africa (Average)

The average chartered accountant salary in South Africa is R 662 000 per annum. This is understandable because of the uniqueness of this profession, and the great training you must undergo before you can become one.

It should however be noted that the salary quoted here is not static, but can be influenced by different factors, just like in other professions in South Africa.

Firstly, the salary of a chartered accountant in South Africa can be determined by their experience and level. An entry level position chartered accountant can start with a salary of R 450 000 per annum. This is still reasonably ahead of several other careers and professions in the country, and considering the efforts you must engage before you can become a chartered accountant, then it is worth the salary.

On the other hand, the most experienced chartered accountants in South Africa can earn over R 7 800 000 per annum, which is justifiable due to their unique contributions and knowledge.

Another prominent factor that determines the salary of a chartered accountant in South Africa is where they are working. Big organizations usually pay much more lucrative salaries to these professionals, compared to smaller ones.

How Much Does Chartered Accountants Earn In South Africa Monthly

The average chartered accountant’s monthly salary in South Africa is R 52 833. If you want to have an idea of the monthly take home of a chartered accountant in this country, you can work with this figure.

Nevertheless, this is just an estimate. It means, there are chartered accountants earning much more than that each month, while there are others not earning up to that yet. The monthly salary of a chartered accountant is determined by some factors.

A new chartered accountant can make around R 35 500 per month as a salary, which is still better than the monthly salary of some of their peers in other fields. But as a chartered accountant progresses in their career, they can start earning much more.

There are very experienced chartered accountants in South Africa earning a monthly salary of around R 650 000. One of the prominent factors that determine the monthly salary of a chartered accountant is the organization they are working for.

Best Places To Work As A Chartered Accountant In South Africa

It is important to start this discourse by advising that you work in a place you are passionate about, where your well-being is guaranteed.

However, if you are particular about certain established organizations where you as a chartered accountant will be duly appreciated and compensated, then you can consider these:

1. Deloitte

Deloitte is a global company in the Acocounting and Tax industry with a good presence in South Africa. Over 10000 employees are working under this brand already, and you can join them for a rewarding career as a chartered accountant.

The estimated total salary of a Chartered Accountant working at Deloitte is around R 537,426 per annum, which is about R 44 785 per month. This is one of the best you can see anywhere.

2. PwC

PwC is another nice place you can work as a chartered accountant in South Africa. This global company is also a leader in the Accounting and Tax industry, and have employed over 10000 people already.

If you crave for an exciting and challenging place to work as a chartered accountant, you should look towards the direction of PwC. The average salary of a chartered accountant in PwC is around R440,578 per annum.

If you can get a job in PwC, you can start aiming at an average monthly salary in the range of R 36 714. This can be higher if you are an experienced chartered accountant. However, on a general note, it is one of the best you will find in South Africa.

3. EY

If you care for a challenging environment as a chartered accountant, you should consider working with EY too. In this place, you will find some of the brightest minds that will keep inspiring you towards pleasant growth in your career.

You should be aware already that this brand is also a very big global company in this industry, and structures are already in place to help you enjoy working at the company. The estimated total salary for a Chartered Accountant at this company is R 532 500 per annum.

This means that if you are wondering what your salary will be as an employee of EY, you can place your expectations around R 44 375 per month. Earning this salary each month is reasonably ahead of the national benchmark, and you should be aware that many other professions are not paying up to that in the country.

Additionally, if you are really experienced and enhanced, you can expect soketh much better than the figure quoted and highlighted here. This is because, a senior chartered accountant is paid more than fresh ones. So, ensure you always aim for nothing but the best.

4. BDO

BDO is another exciting company you can choose to run your career as a chartered accountant in South Africa. Of course, as a professional, you have the liberty of exploring different types of things and sectors, according to what you desire as a person.

However, there are advantages to working with companies like this as a chartered accountant, as your career will benefit from the rich working environment you will blend into. This is a place you will come across various very experienced chartered accountants who will gladly help you to be great, and you will like it.

An average salary that can be quoted for an average chartered accountant that is working in BDO is R295,299 per annum. Kindly note that this can be a little bit lower, and it can also be much higher, depending on some factors.

5. Grant Thornton

Grant Thornton is a finance and accounting company that can be really to a chartered accountant interested in a rewarding career. Here is a global company with many workers, and it is bent on nothing but quality.

You can make good money per annum working for Grant Thornton as a chartered accountant. While the average Audit Manager here can enjoy as much as R 732 662 per year, the Trainee Accountant will get around R 189 390 per annum. Indeed, working here can be pretty lucrative and rewarding to your career.

Chartered Accountant Salaries In South Africa Facts

1. The average chartered accountant in South Africa can earn R 662 000 per annum if they can find work at a great organization, particularly in Johannesburg.

2. The average salary of the average chartered accountant is well above the national benchmark, making the career one of the most rewarding in terms of salaries. The average chartered accountant earns R 339 per hour.

3. Entry-level positions salary is around R 450 000 per annum, which affords the fresh worker to earn reasonably well while starting their career.

4. Most experienced chartered accountants in South Africa get up to R 7 860 000 per annum as salary.

5. There are different categories of Chartered Accountants in the country, divided across various lines. Nevertheless, the category that tends to get the lowest salaries are fresh Chartered Accountants.

6. Just like what is available in several other countries and sectors, more experienced and skilled accountants such as Chartered Management Accountants, are at the forefront when it comes to getting lucrative salaries.

7. Level of experience determines the salary scale in a lot of settings. Those with less than three years of experience can expect to earn an average salary of R 300 000 per annum.

8. An intermediate level Chartered Accountant in South Africa with 4-9 years of experience and expertise can expect an average salary of R 480 000 per annum. These are expected to have gathered relevant skills that have placed them ahead of the fresh set of accountants that are just being introduced to the system.

9. A Senior Chartered Accountant in South Africa with 10-20 years of experience and expertise can expect an average salary of R 600 000 per annum. At this level, the chartered accountant has a lot of indispensable skills and knowledge, and they can even help the younger ones grow in the profession.

10. Chartered Accountants in the country with over 20 years of experience can expect over R 720 000 per annum. They are the ones at the top of the game, with great accounting skills and knowledge.

In Conclusion

The average chartered accountant salary in South Africa is around R 662 000, and is well above the national average in the country. This means working as a chartered accountant in South Africa is one of the most lucrative professional jobs in the country.