DNA Test Price In South Africa (2022)

One of the most remarkable inventions in human history revolves around the ability to conduct DNA Tests for different reasons. If you are in South Africa, there are several places in different parts of the country where such services are being carried out by anyone that can afford it.

DNA test price in South Africa is around R 1 200 per person. Since, many times, a minimum of two persons are usually tested for whatever aim, it means you will have to spend around R 2 400 for the duo. This is however an average price since there are DNA testing centers in South Africa that will charge more than that.

How DNA Testing Works

The technology was brought to the limelight as far back as in the 1980s by a man known as Sir Alec John Jeffreys. Whenever we talk about the history of DNA Testing, we can’t but refer to this intelligent British geneticist.

Also known as DNA Profiling, the invention has made it possible to identify individuals and settle things that have to do with paternity issues. Experts are informed about what to do to match one’s DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and get the individual’s identity. Since everyone has their DNA, it means anyone can always carry out the test for whatever reason.

Doing this can be due to reasons revolving around legal issues, like court cases and indictments. It can be for social reasons or even civic procedures. And while it is still an expensive thing in several parts of the world, many don’t mind spending big on getting the discovery. There are people who want to pay anything to trace their genealogy, or even establish familial relations.

Scientists have been working hard to get better as far as the area of genetic studies is concerned. They are trying to invent better ways of doing things, so that it can be more effective and efficient. One of the proofs of advancement in this is that anyone can now purchase DNA testing kits and conduct their DNA tests at home all by themselves.

However, it should be noted that these kits still have their own limitations, as they are limited to some kinds of DNA tests. So, you may want to consider a standard DNA testing center, and there are several of such in the country.

Where To Do DNA Test In South Africa

There are many places in South Africa where you can get this done. Prominent include Geneway, Dnalysis, HomeDNAdirect, Horizon laboratories, and a host of others.

While you are at liberty to choose any DNA testing center for the job, it is very necessary and advisable to get crucial information about how they work and what they truly represent.

To make things plain and easy for you, you can consider these factors before settling for any of the centers. You should look out for the amount they charge for the different kinds of DNA tests (remember that there are different types of tests that can be conducted, and they cost differently too).

Additionally, you should check out how any of the tests will be great for your requirements. Also, when choosing a DNA testing center in South Africa, make sure that you look towards what accreditations the center has. If they are not adequately accredited by the right organizations, you can pass by.

Try to also check what privacy policies the center has in place for handling the DNA test result of their clients. Lastly, it is helpful to check their website and try to see if you can get reviews from those that have used their services before now. As you go through the reviews, you will be able to decide if or not they are the best option for you.

Types of DNA Tests

There are various types of DNA tests, based on their purpose and aims. Let’s highlight them one after the other.

Personal DNA Testing

Anyone can decide to go for this if they are trying to identify who their ancestors were, if they are the parent to their child, as well as similar reasons. The major thing to know here is that one is carrying out the test following a personal decision, and is not forced.

This can cost you an average of R 1 200 if it is just you alone. If you are doing it with another person, you have to pay around R 2 400.

You can use a DNA testing kit, which can be obtained from a test center’s website. These kits are mainly sold at a definite cost covering the testing process. You can get guidance from the particular center.

Legal DNA Testing

This is carried out as a requirement in legal matters, like court cases. If you are doing DNA testing for this, you should be set to pay about R 4 700. Unlike the first one, this kind is necessitated by an external body for legal purposes.

Healthcare Improvement DNA Testing

This is another reason some people carry out DNA Tests. A DNA profile has great information as touching how their genetic makeup influenced their ailment and can make it easier as far as prescription medication is concerned. Therefore, medication works better with fewer side effects.

We should also know that doing this will require around R 3 500. One of the benefits however is that the person can keep their DNA profile for later use.

Nutritional DNA Testing

While this one is not very famous like the regular ones, the fact remains that there are people who can carry out the test to know the right diet that is specific to them. If you are surprised at this, then you should know that diets really work best if they are tailored toward a specific DNA profile.

In Conclusion

DNA test price in South Africa is around R 1 200 per person. If you are doing it with another person, it means you will pay around R 2 400 on average.