Ice Making Machine Prices In South Africa (2022)

An ice making machine is a powerful machine that is used for making ice. Basically, it is pretty versatile, as it can be found inside a home freezer and can even be an appliance in itself that is configured to make ice. There are also ice making machines that are industrial, in the sense that they can be used to make ice on a large scale.

Ice making machine prices in south africa can cost anything from R10 999 all the way to R 100 000 depending on the type you are purchasing.

Ice Making Machine Prices In South Africa

Ice making machine prices in south africa can cost anything from R10 999 all the way to R 100 000 depending on the type you intend to get.

Here are some popular types of ice making machines and their prices:




The cost of a particular ice making machine is determined by factors such as the brand type and how much ice it can produce too. These appliances are primarily meant for making ice and can do a whole lot.

Is Ice Making Business Profitable In South Africa?

There are different types of businesses you can decide to invest in the country. Since many people looking for ice making machine prices in South Africa are usually doing so because they want to buy for business purposes, then you can look towards starting the business of producing ice.

Is this a profitable business? Well, you should know that there are places in the country where ice is not found easily. Therefore, if you should position yourself enough, you will do well for yourself.

And while still on this discourse, make sure that you get a good ice block maker so you won’t be frustrated as you do your business. You can give great priority to a good Ice Block Maker (commercial block ice machine) that can do a whole lot. There are some of these machines that have what it takes to process 1000 pounds of ice per day, 1500 pounds per day, or 2000 pounds per day.

Generally, like it is with other types of businesses, you must see to it that you do proper investigations before attempting to jump into this business too. And one of the very best things you can do for yourself is to take steps towards asking for counsel, particularly from those in the business already.

In talking about the profitability of ice cube business, it has been said by some that one can expect an ice block business to make profits ranging between 40% and 50%.

Here are great tips to do well with your ice making business in South Africa:

1. Have a Great Product

Make sure your product is very great, as without this, you can’t go anywhere. Therefore, you should make sure you get a very good ice machine.

2. Know Your Industry and Competitors

Be aware of those already doing what you are doing, as they are your competitors. Understand your market very well and do all you can to stand out from all the others.

3. Promote Your Products

Try to go ahead to promote your products (the place of marketing). There are different ways you can conduct marketing for your business today. Aside from the normal traditional way, you can also employ digital media and you will be very fine.

4. Your Employees

If you are going to be having employees, make sure you are very meticulous about this, because they can determine the success of your business. Don’t forget that they are the most important asset in whatever it is you are doing. You can hire and train them so that they represent what you are for.

5. Understand Organizational Structure and Design

If you want to take your ice business to a very large plane, then you should look towards the direction of understanding organizational structure and design. As an entrepreneur, make sure you know how good businesses run effectively.

6. Use Capital and Cash Flow Wisely

Make sure your business starts with a great financial base, and much more, ensure there is a positive cash flow as you grow the business. Don’t forget that the business is expected to have sufficient resources for important things like paying workers and so on.

7. Understand the Fundamental Principles of Accounting and Finance

Are all these necessary for an ice block business? Yes, if you want to grow really big and operate from an enviable position. Try as much as possible to understand and obey fundamental principles of accounting and finance. Try to get and have the necessary permits and also complete and file taxes.

Most importantly, as you go about your ice making business in South Africa, make sure you keep respecting your customers. Indeed, customers may not always be right, but a business owner will always need to do whatever they can to make things right and well.

Try to see to it that they don’t always have issues with your products and always treat them with respect and understanding. If it happens that they don’t like what you offered at a point in time, you can always take time to settle things and resolve whatever issues that could come up.

In Conclusion

Ice making machine prices in south africa can cost anything from R10 999 all the way to R 100 000 depending on the type you intend to get.