Laptop Prices In South Africa (2023)

Some years ago, it takes a lot of money to buy some of the most affordable laptops we have around today, particularly in places like South Africa. In today’s world, it is very beneficial to have gadgets like laptops, as they help in different ways.

Laptop prices in south africa can be anything from R900 to R150000 for a new laptop, depending on the model and features you want. One can easily get very cheap laptops in South Africa if they are not looking at buying well-established brands like Apple and Samsung.

How Much Is Laptop In South Africa?

The cost of a laptop in South Africa can be as little as R900. There are certain ones that are even below R500 based on different factors. For instance, an average used laptop is cheaper than a new one.

In the same vein, there are laptops in South Africa that can be as expensive as R150000. This of course is a lot of money, and it is obvious that such kinds of laptops are on a different level entirely.

In all, the amount one will pay for a laptop will depend on the brand and features of the computer. We can also identify factors like how big the screen of the laptop is, as well as how much storage capacity it came with.

There are certain people whose use of a laptop simply revolve around basic internet and very simple task. Such can afford to buy cheap ones that are not too sophisticated (they can be obtained for less than R900).

However, if you are a coder or gamer, or you have things you do that require you to be a heavy user of a laptop, then you may want to go for a high-quality laptop with lots of features. If you are, for instance, getting an HP Chromebook 14 with 4GB RAM and 32GB eMMC flash memory, you should be set to pay a lot of money (usually more than R10000 for it).

What Brand Of Laptop Are You Interested In?

One of the major factors that determine how much to buy a laptop in South Africa (just as it is in different other parts of the world) is the brand you are getting. One will definitely more for a brand name like Apple or Samsung, for obvious reasons. These top brands are not cheap, as they are very much synonymous with great quality, and they have a global reputation.

If you can afford them, they are recommended. Since they come with many added benefits, are reliable because of their quality of workmanship and design, and are usually very strong. Therefore, it is generally advisable to buy these products made by brands with a great global reputation.

If you want to buy an Apple laptop in South Africa, you must be ready to pay from R11000 to around R36000. If you are familiar with Apple products before now, you should be aware that they are usually expensive. Nevertheless, you can be sure that they are of great quality. This means, while Apple laptops are usually pretty expensive, they are more powerful and have better build quality.

We should also add it here that one of the superb things about Apple laptops is that they also come with great screens. We should talk about the Retina Display, which is one of the very best you can find anywhere.

If you don’t want an Apple laptop, then you can settle for a Samsung laptop. This costs between R3000 and R28000 (the price is determined by the particular model and spec you are going for). Samsung also produces very great products and you can go for this.

Then, another brand that can be recommended is Lenovo. You can purchase a high-end Lenovo laptop for around R38000. It should be noted that a mid-range Lenovo laptop can be around R30000. Even a low-end one can be gotten with around R28000.

Screen Size And Storage Capacity

Generally, the amount of money one will also pay for a laptop can be determined by crucial factors like screen size and storage capacity. It should be noted that the size of the display is measured in inches, with larger screens being easier to use. Larger screens additionally make it very pleasurable to work on one’s laptop when on the move, as they offer more viewing space.

It is also possible to choose between different storage sizes for one’s laptop. You should always remember that the smaller the storage capacity, the cheaper it is per gigabyte.

As we have been saying, you have the liberty to buy whatever laptops you want to get, as far as you can easily afford them. Your choices can be determined by what you want to use a laptop for. One can get a cheap laptop for basic internet use for around R900 or more sophisticated ones for much more.

Finally, the most affordable computers everywhere are usually the cheapest in price and even quality. For those interested in what will last them only a few years, then they should have this in mind when buying a laptop.

In Conclusion

Laptop prices in south africa can be anything from R900 to R150000 for a new laptop, depending on the model and features you want. You can easily get very cheap laptops in South Africa if they are not looking at buying well-established brands like Apple and Samsung. But if you are so given to great quality, then you should consider the big brands.

Finally, anyone looking to buy a laptop for simple everyday use or maybe schoolwork can get a small one. But if you seek something more powerful (for instance, with gaming capabilities) then you have to pay a lot.