University Of Free State Late Applications (2025) Apply Now

The University of Free State is a public University in South Africa, tracing its history to 1904 when Grey College began to offer a Bachelor of Arts course. In 1906, Grey University College (GUC) was born, and it split from Grey College. The University was renamed the University of the Orange Free State in 1950, and then again in 2001, its name was changed to the University of the Free State. 

This University can be called a medium-sized University, but it has earned its reputation as a solid place of learning, where young minds are trained to make an impact not just in South Africa, but in the world in general. The University has three campuses: the Bloemfontein campus, the South campus, and the Qwaqwa campus. 

The paragraphs below contain information about the University of Free State Late Applications for the year, and everything you need to know about the process, as well as what courses are currently available at the University.

University Of Free State Late Applications Options

The two available options to utilize this late applications window at the University of Free State are (a) get the University of the Free State Late Applications Form, and (b) the Central Applications Office (CAO) Change of Mind Form. 

UFS Late Applications Form

The first thing to note is that you have to expedite this application immediately because once this opportunity expires, all new applications will not be accepted. Therefore, act now to ensure your application is processed.

Late applications are being accepted for various Undergraduate, Diploma, Postgraduate, and Certificate Courses. 

Application Forms are obtainable at all University of Free State Campuses, or, more conveniently, at the College Website:

Central Applications Office

To get this form please just go directly to the Central Applications Office, and request a change of mind form.

The Central Applications Office change of mind form is for those who have already applied, but who now wish to change one or more program choices they wish to study. It is also used to change the rank or order of your courses. Some other students use this to add a program of study to their existing choices. This form can also be used to extend your current application to the following year. 

To do any of the above you need to pay the sum of R135 to an account number, or through easypay. You may also pay by bank card directly at the Central Applications Office. 

Please note that this is deemed a less reliable choice because errors can occur which will nullify your request. The fees are not refundable, and the Central Applications Office does not accept any responsibility for any damages or losses.


Available Courses at UFS

This reputable institution of higher learning offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in these schools: Economic and Management Sciences, Education, Law, Health Sciences, Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Business, Humanities, and Theology. 


University of Free State courses 

Courses that are offered in this University include Accounting and Finance, Agriculture and environmental science, Actuarial Science, Aquaculture, Art and design, Banking and Investment, Beauty and Wellness, Business Management, Computer Science, and also Information Systems. Other courses include Brand Building and Management, Medicine and Health Science, as well as Architecture.

 Let us now discuss the process of applications, as well as requirements, and other necessary steps.

Things You Need For University Of Free State Late Application

 You need to have (scanned) Electronic copies of prerequisite qualification certificates, Complete and updated academic transcripts (if transferring from another institution) A legal copy of your passport of South African national identity.


Step By Step Process of Application

Applications are online. You can apply online by visiting the University Website Online Application portal. For this, you will need an email address and internet connection. The portal can be accessed either through a computer or if you prefer your smartphone or tablet. At the [portal landing page you will be requested to input your email address. If you do not already have an email you may open one with gmail, yahoo mail, or any of the free email providers.

A computer-generated student number will then be sent to your email. You will create a Pin for yourself. Please be aware that the student number does not mean that your application is successful. The number is only issued for administrative purposes, and the faculty you wish to study must review and approve your application.

From there you will be directed to log in with the details (your computer-generated student number, and your personalized PIN). 

You will then choose a Campus to study at. This will give you several options, just click on the one you want.

After that, you will be directed to select your preferred courses of study as first and second choice. 

After that, applicants can then proceed to provide their personal information. This includes your name, age, address, schools attended, and qualifications attained, and so on.  Make sure you upload all the required documents and pay the necessary fees. The required documents for registration include the following: 

Birth Certificate, or any other valid Identity Document.  (Proof of application for new ID/Passport is also acceptable, although the institution may later require that you submit the original.)

Certificates/Qualifications already obtained. This includes your grade 12 exam results, or any equivalent.

Recent Academic results. This includes transcripts if transferring from another institution.

Municipal billing document. Any other account statement issued by a financial institution is also acceptable. They should not be older than 3 months. 

Make sure that you complete the registration process. Review all selections and entries before clicking SUBMIT. Once Applications are submitted, it may not be possible to change the entries.  


International Students’ Applications

 If you are an international applicant, you should start by getting SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority) verification. Then contact the University for Guidance. You will be required to bring along certified relevant copies of your qualification.


Application Fee:

Download the UFS fee structure to find out the UFS tuition fees and related charges. Please note that the university reserves the right to change the amount it charges. For guidance on how to make payments, please contact the UFS student finance website.

You can also inquire about how to qualify for financial aid programs, bursaries, and scholarships, and also how to go about UFS accommodation. 



The University of Free State is an excellent place to study in order to boost your chances of attaining a great career for yourself and making a positive impact on society. Furthermore, the academic community is very socially aware, showing great promise for the future in the area of producing people who aspire to make valuable contributions to society. Choosing to study at UFS may be the best decision you have ever made.