Egg Hatching Machine Price In South Africa (2022)

Egg hatching machines are used to help produce eggs more efficiently, on a large-scale mode. These are carefully made to hatch fertile eggs since they can be turned to the necessary environmental conditions.

Egg hatching machine price in South Africa is anything from R 995 to R 69 000 depending on the type, brand, and size, as well as other factors.

How Much Is Egg Hatching Machine In South Africa

On average, egg hatching machine in South Africa is anything from R 995 to R 69 000 depending on the type, brand, size, as well as other factors.

Egg hatching machines cost different prices due to obvious reasons. The amount you will pay for a particular egg hatching machine in South Africa is majorly dependent on the type you are buying.

There are manually ignited Gas heaters that are used for this purpose, as well as different brands of digital egg incubators, plus Industrial heaters. These costs different prices, based on brand, size, and so on.

Here are the popular ones you can buy in South Africa, as well as their prices:

1. Manual ignited Gas heater – R 995

2. Digital egg incubator controller XM-26 – R 1,695

3. Industrial 180 setter, Hatcher egg incubator size 76X43X48 cm – R7 945

4. Industrial 352 setter, Hatcher egg incubator size 55X65X120 cm – R12 000

5. Industrial 528 setter, Hatcher egg incubator 70X55X130 cm – R 13 995

6. Industrial 880 setter, Hatcher egg incubator 70X55X130 cm R15 995

7. Industrial 1056 setter, Hatcher egg incubator size 96X75X140 cm – R 19 945

8. Industrial 2112 setter, Hatcher, incubator  Incl accessories size 135X85X140 cm R29 495

9. Industrial 3168 setter, Hatcher Egg incubator 175X85X180 cm – R 40 000

10. Industrial 5000 setter egg+ extra Hatcher area Trolley type Automatic egg incubator in 2 pieces – R 69 000

There are different companies that are making and selling these products in South Africa. Several are being imported from foreign countries, particularly from Asia. As expected, different companies are selling different egg hatching machines at different prices.

Additionally, these machines come in different sizes. Some are bigger than others, as constructed by the manufacturer of the item. There are some that can take 5000 eggs at a time, and there are others that are fewer. As expected, the ones that can take a whole lot are usually more expensive than those that collect fewer.

Industrial incubators are really expensive because of their configuration. They can stay without power for a good number of hours, which some others can’t quickly achieve. These are properly made to ensure that it will seem as if it was a real hen that was sitting on the eggs.

Important Things You Should Know When Using Egg Hatching Machine In South Africa 

Many years ago, you have to wait for hens to hatch their eggs before you have new hens. And there are times when things may not go as planned, and you have to hope for the hen to make the process right. However, as technology keeps evolving, it didn’t forget all of these too.

Therefore, there came artificial strategies for hatching eggs, with the creation of egg incubating machines. Now, it is possible to get egg hatched even without waiting for hens.

These machines are carefully made to mimic the conditions that the hen brings to the table when trying to hatch its eggs will. For instance, there must be adequate ventilation, temperature, humidity, etc.

Since the invention of these machines, they have proven to be very useful and beneficial, and a whole lot of things have been achieved via the invention. Fortunately, the invention is prominent in South Africa too, as there are numerous types of egg hatching machines around here.

Here are some of the core things you should know about these machines:

1. If one is to successfully hatch eggs in an incubator, then they have to be careful to first of all properly calibrate the incubator. You must make sure you avoid these things, hence you won’t be able to adequately maximize the machine.

2. It is also important to keep the settings stable all through the incubation period. If you are not familiar with how this works, then it is very necessary you work with someone else who can, so you won’t mess up the process.

3. It is necessary to clean an incubator before you started using it, particularly if you are buying it second-hand. You can carry this out with a good sponge or clean cloth. Experts will also advise that you use gloves when carrying this out. This will even help protect your hands for the effectiveness of the process.

Even if your incubator isn’t second hand, but you know that you had it stored away somewhere for a long while, it is helpful to clean them before you then begin to engage it again. It is very important to ensure you don’t take these things for granted because sanitation is highly important.

If you ignore basic things like this, you may endanger the eggs, since diseases can be passed through the eggshell.

4. Make sure the machine is placed in a place where there is little to no temperature fluctuation. Try not to put such close to a window or place that gets strong airflow.

In Conclusion

Egg hatching machine price in South Africa is anything from R 995 to R 69 000. There are different factors that influence the price of egg hatching machines in South Africa, just as it is in other parts of the world.

There are different types of incubators that you can buy today, made by different companies, and coming in different sizes too. You have the liberty to buy the one you want based on what you want to achieve.