How to Calculate APS Score 2025 Calculator

Your APS score determines whether you will be deemed intellectually capable in order to be granted admission by a higher institution of learning. In simple terms ‘No APS, no admission.’ So your APS score is a very big deal, and it is totally worth all the attention given to it in the academic community, and among prospective students. 

Another thing about this APS score is that every institution has its own peculiar way of calculating the APS score; that means what gets you admission into one university may not necessarily get you admission into another. 

You need to know your APS score before applying to university so as to improve your chances of gaining the admission you seek, rather than wasting your time and effort pursuing courses that you are just not qualified for. This post will tell you all about the APS score, and everything you need to know about it, from calculating your APS to determining what courses you qualify for.

What is APS Score?

APS score is your Admission Points Score. It is the calculation of the marks you attain in your Final. Is also what the universities use in determining whether or not you qualify to pursue a specific course or not. Therefore, to get a good APS score it is important to read hard and put in your best during your final exams in high school. Then, no matter how high the marks of any institution you can always claim a spot.

Your APS score is your ticket to higher education, a better life, and the opportunity to add value to society in general. Now that we know what the APS score is, let us now look at how to properly calculate your APS score. 


How To Calculate Your APS Score

Your APS score is determined by how you perform in your final exams. In most schools, students are allowed to take classes in up to ten subjects and sit for them in their final exams. However, the APS score does not include all ten subjects. Only seven subjects must be used in the calculation. But which ones?

The APS score takes the best seven subjects and converts them using a point system to come up with the average APS score. Logically, the best 7 subjects you perform well in should also be the 7 subjects that you have a flair for. Therefore when combined, it should give you, and the university you have applied for, a hint as to the best career path most suitable to you.


APS Score Calculator

You can calculate your own APS score by adding the points of your seven best subjects in high school (excluding Life Orientation). You then convert the score to percentage, and then the percentage to points. When you add the points together then you get your APS score.

It is very simple. See the APS Points Table guide below:

If you get   80% – 100% = 7 points

 If you get 70% – 79% = 6 points

 If you get 60% – 69% = 5 points

 If you get 50% – 59% = 4 points

 If you get 40% – 49% = 3 points

 If you get 30% – 39% = 2 points

 If you get 0% – 29% = 1 point

Remember that you take the seven subjects in which you have performed best, so you have a really good chance. Once you have added up all the points you have your APS score. The highest possible score you can achieve is 47, but you only need about half of that score to get university admission. In fact, with just 15 points you can start your academic journey. Let us break it down further.

 With 15 points you can study for a Higher Certificate. 

 With 18 points you can study for a Diploma. 

 With 21+ points you can study for a Bachelor’s Degree, although certain courses require varying APS scores of 22, 23, 24, or 25. 

Please bear in mind that apart from having a good APS score, some institutions and programmes also have some other mandatory requirements which students must meet before they can be granted admissions. Therefore, before applying for admission at a university or to study a particular course, always double-check to ensure that you meet their requirements. 

APS Points Table

APS Score Range APS Points
80% – 100% 7 points
70% – 79% 6 points
60% – 69%
5 points
50% – 59% 4 points
40% – 49% 3 points
30% – 39% 2 points
0% – 29% 1 point

What is the Highest APS Score?

The highest possible APS score you can get is 47 points. If you have above 47 points then please recheck the calculations you have made. Please remember that you only need 7 of the subjects that you have performed best in, and also that you cannot add Life Orientation as part of the subjects that give you this score. 

What is the Minimum APS Score for a Degree?

As far as South African institutions are concerned if you have an APS score of 21 then you can get admission. But that is no guarantee; yes most universities will grant you admission with this APS score, but some courses require higher APS scores than that. Therefore, always enquire about the APS score required for the particular course that you want to study.

What Subjects Count for APS


Agricultural Science

Consumer Studies

Dramatic Arts


Business Studies

Engineering Graphics and Design




Life Sciences

Mathematical Literacy



Physical Science


Religion Studies

Visual Arts

Information Technology


What can you Study with 18 APS Score?

With an APS score of 18, you can get admission to study for a diploma course. That score is usually enough for whatever course that you wish to study; however, it must be at a Diploma awarding institution, or a diploma course.

What can you Study with 17 APS Score?

With an APS score of 21, you can get admission into a South African university. However, certain courses may require a higher APS score or may have certain other requirements that determine whether or not applying students will be granted admission.

However, sometimes if the APS score does not get a student into a given course, the university may offer the student a similar course with less stringent requirements. So you can at least study for a Bachelor’s degree with an APS score of 21. 

Does CAT count for APS?

Computer Application Technology (CAT) is an important life skill that is very important in almost any career that you can think of, regardless of the type of course; the skill is important for science courses, commercial courses, and also for art courses.

So the answer is yes; CAT does count for APS counts. You can choose to add it among your subjects if you have a good performance in this subject, but it is also up to you if you decide that you have performed better in any other subjects, and so decide to leave it out.

Does Life Orientation count for APS?

The ten-point subject life orientation does not count when calculating the APS score of a person. Even if you have performed well in Life Orientation please do not use it when calculating because it will lead to a misleading point figure, and when the figure gets submitted for admission, it will ultimately lead to disappointment.

This does not mean that Life Orientation is not important; some universities require you to have life orientation, especially if you want to study certain courses. Life Orientation is very important; it will help one get a placement in some courses and work in the social system, guidance counseling, and similar things.



Every Student in South Africa wants to know what this APS score is, and how it is calculated. This is also true because almost every university has its own acceptable marks which a student must attain in his APS scores in order to be accepted to study there. Yes, the scores may be different, but the way of calculating the APS scores is usually consistent.  No matter what you want to study at a university the first step is to ensure that you have performed well in the exams, and so have a good APS score. The university you have applied to may have a higher APS score than what you have attained, but they may usually have another relevant course that you can apply for.

Failing that, you can always look around for any other university; as long as you have an APS score between 21 and 30, there is always a chance that you are going to get a place in one of the universities. 

The minimum APS with which a person can be accepted to study for a degree in a South African university is 21- but this will almost not get you entry into a course like Medicine, Law, Health Sciences, Economics, or Accounting.

If you have an APS score of 18 you can opt to study for a diploma, and if you have an APS score of 15 you can also decide to study for a Higher Certificate. These can be stepping stones that can enable you to then seek admission to study for a degree. The key is to never lose sight of the goal, which is to have a degree so as to improve your life and add more value to society.