Incubator Prices In South Africa (2022)

An egg incubator is a machine that is used for the purpose of hatching fertile eggs. These machines are purposefully made to keep eggs warm during the 21-day incubation period and have proven to be a wonderful invention too.

Incubator prices in south africa is around R 7,500.00 to R 225,000.00 depending on the type you want to get. There are various types of incubators that can serve various purposes and achieve different results, and the one you will settle for will determine how much you will pay.

Incubator Prices In South Africa

Incubator prices in south africa is around R 7,500.00 to R 225,000.00 depending on the type you want to get. There are different types of incubators that are available in the market, as they can serve different purposes and achieve different results. You will determine the one you will settle for based on your aims, which then determines how much you will pay.

There are several reasons that determine and influence the prices of incubators in South Africa. First of all, you should know that there are different companies making these items. Different companies have different corporate aims and objectives, and it reflects in their disposition toward the production of their products.

So, while a particular company that is more interested in a name can devote a lot of resources to produce their incubators, there might be another company that is interested in making their incubators as cheap as possible. Definitely, both companies won’t charge the same amount of money. The first one will most likely sell their incubators costlier than the other.

Also, considering that some incubators are being imported into the country from faraway places, we can realize the fact that this is also something that will affect the price of these items.

In addition to all that has been said, you should remember that there are incubators that can hatch a lot of eggs at a go, as well as some that can simply do a few. Obviously, the incubator that can hatch 4000 eggs at a go will be much more expensive that the one that can only do 60. This is another major determinant of the amount you will pay for an incubator in South Africa.

Having said all of these, here are some popular incubators in South Africa as well as their various prices:

1. 60 Egg Incubator and Hatcher – Fully Automatic Digital – R 7,500.00

2. 180 Egg Incubator and Hatcher – Fully Automatic Digital Model – R 8,950.00

3. 370 Egg Incubator and Hatcher – Fully Automatic Digital Model – R 11,995.00

4. 560 Egg Incubator and Hatcher – Fully Automatic Digital Model – R 14,500.00

5. 680 Egg Incubator and Hatcher – Fully Automatic Digital Model – R 16,500.00

6. 1000 Egg Incubator and Hatcher – Fully Automatic Digital Model – R 23,000.00

7. 1080 Egg Automatic Setter Incubator – Surehatch Model – R 25,000.00

8. 1080 Egg Hatcher – Automatic Digital Model – R 23,000.00

9. 2000 Egg Incubator and Hatcher Combo – Fully Automatic Digital Model – R 31,000.00

10. 2160 Egg Automatic Setter Incubator – Model – R 33,000.00

11. 2000 Egg Hatcher – Automatic Digital Model – R 31,000.00

12. 4000 Egg Hatchery – Produce 720 chicks per week – R 60,000.00

13. 6000 Egg Hatchery – Produce 1440 chicks per week – R 92,000.00

14. 8000 Egg Hatchery – Produce 2160 chicks per week – R 118,000.00

15. 12000 Egg Hatchery – Produce 2880 chicks per week – R 172,000.00

16. 16000 Egg Hatchery – Produce 4320 chicks per week – R 225,000.00

Starting A Poultry Farm In South Africa 

Since a lot of folks interested in buying incubators in South Africa are usually interested in using it for a poultry farm business, then it is helpful to highlight certain things that will help you succeed in your adventure.

One thing we should start with is to establish the fact that it is pretty easy to start poultry farming since you don’t really need big capital (or even big amounts of space), as it is something one can decide to run in their backyard.

So, when compared to other agricultural businesses, we will easily see that poultry farming is pretty simple to get into. You should first figure out the land you will be using before anything else. The good thing however is that when compared to other types of livestock farming, poultry requires significantly less land.

Basically, the amount of land needed for poultry is simply dependent on how many birds one wants to rear, amongst other important factors. Additionally, you must settle for what sector of poultry farming you will be focusing on.

This is dependent on your motive and aims. You should decide if you want to do this mainly for eggs or meat. It is also possible to raise day-old chicks and sell them to other farmers for good money. While your decision will determine a lot in your approach, one sure thing is that you will need suitable bird housing, and you should give great attention to this.

As a poultry farmer, always remember that as far as South Africa is concerned, to keep animals for farming purposes, one will have to understand their local municipality’s unique animal-keeping bylaws. They want to be involved for some reasons, and it will determine where your poultry farm can be located, amongst other things. Therefore, make sure you reach out to the authorities and operate legitimately.

It is not just enough to go and get incubators and think that’s all you need to run a successful outfit here. You must put some other important things into consideration. For instance, think about things like feeding, vaccinations, and so on. It is also helpful if the poultry is within close range of the place you plan to sell your chickens, so you won’t have to spend more on transportation.

In Conclusion

Incubator prices in south africa is around R 7,500.00 to R 225,000.00 depending on the type you want to get.