How To Get A Matric Certificate Fast? (2025)

You are likely here because you have been wondering how you can do your Matric fast. It is general knowledge that a Matric certificate is very important particularly if one wants an edge in one’s career. In South Africa,  the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or Matric Certificate is highly valued. Indeed, if you can lay your hands on one, you can make things easier for yourself.

Usually, you have to spend up to three years to complete your Matric, as it is usually a broad process (you will have to read and write exams). Nevertheless, due to different reasons, some people want it to be more briefs than this usual timeframe. Knowing the importance of the junior and adult Matric Certification in today’s world, it is not surprising that many are chasing these things with the aim of getting them as quickly as possible. Is it possible? Let’s see.

How To Get A Matric Certificate Fast?

We want to explore some relevant tips that will help you know how to get your Matric faster.

Get NSC When You Have Already Left School

Are you aware you can really get a matric even if you are out of school? Well, you actually can! As things stand now, due to the fair access policy, anyone can get the certificate equitably. 

Joining The Intec College For Distance Education in Vocational Diplomas And Technical Studies. Going this route can also help you to get a matric certificate quick, as well as other tertiary level qualifications

  1. Apply For, And Get Your Matric Through UNISA 
  2. Get a competitive National Senior Certificate from top schools such as Damelin and Abbotts College, among others.

How Relevant Is A Matric Certificate?

In South Africa, the Matric certificate is actually a strong document helpful in getting to the top of one’s career, and it is never advisable not to have one in today’s competitive world. This is National Senior Certificate is what several academic institutions in South Africa (and even other organizations) do use as a minimum qualification as far as their entry is concerned. We are talking about a high school diploma that is really the major school leaving certificate in the country.

While it is necessary to note that having a matric certificate is not a guarantee for getting good jobs, we should add that it can be really helpful in different ways. Anyone can do well without having this certificate, but then, those who acquire this type of certification can easily move straightforward, as it attracts splendid opportunities.

Can A Person Do Well Even Without Matric?

Sure, not everyone who has a matric eventually turned out well. And on the other hand, there are many people out there doing very well without this certification. As stated before, having this certificate means you have something you can build upon to get closer to success. Nevertheless, if you won’t get yours, then you should see to it that you have in place things that will help you get closer to success too.

Here are some recommended things you should do:

Learn Scarce Skills

If you won’t get a matric certificate, then you will help yourself by learning a good skill that is productive and not rampant. It is easier to thrive because not too many people are into them, and they are usually needed.

Here are some nice scarce skills you can go for:

– Engineering

– Information Technology and Communication.

– Media, Artistic, Literacy, and Design Professionals

– Health and Clinical Science. 

– Sales and Marketing.

– Architects, Surveyors, and Town Planners. 

Become a Sports Person

A lot of people have become stars via doing sports, even without going to school. They have been able to make a lot of money and are famous as footballers, basketball players, tennis players, and so on. So, if you won’t get a matric, you can become a sports person. Go for what you are good at and if you are talented enough, you will find yourself doing well.

Enroll At The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers 

Of course, many people are still interested in the classroom even if they don’t have a matric yet. Actually, you can still enroll at the Institute to learn relevant skills and you will receive certifications. Guess what? You don’t actually need a matric certificate to get in. 

Here are the things you can learn:

– National Certificate in Junior Bookkeeping. 

– FET Certificate in Senior Bookkeeping. 

– National Diploma in Technical Financial Accounting. 

– National Diploma in Certified Financial Accounting.

– Business Management 

– National Certificate in Small Business Financial Management.

– Higher Certificate in Office Administration.

– National Diploma in Financial Accounting.

– National Certificate in Office Administration. 

– Higher Certificate in Office Administration.

– National Diploma in Office Administration.

It is necessary to highlight all of these, to ensure everyone can still do well in life, irrespective of where they decided to turn to. It is quite known that there are people who have the desire for a Matric, but due to one reason or another, won’t be able to acquire it. So, it doesn’t matter where you have found yourself – there are things you can do that can still place you at the top of success in South Africa. Just ensure you keep moving.


Finally, if you are interested in getting a matric certificate fast because you have failed a previous one, you can actually still take some steps. You can apply for a remark within the deadline if you keenly believe that your marks are lesser than what you found. You can also take supplementary exams to help correct your scores, or simply redo your Matric Year, going to another high school to get your Matric done.

In that case, since you know you are in just for certification, you can be more focused, and you will easily get what you want to get. This is another way of getting a Matric certificate fast and in no distant time.