UNISA Teaching Courses 2022 Closing Date

A lot of people are always eager to study teaching in the University of South Africa for various reasons. This is understandable and reasonable because this is one of the best places in the country you can be trained and properly equipped to become a teacher. However, aspirants must know that applications for admission to the institution has a particular closing date.

Unisa teaching courses 2022 closing date is around 15 October. This is important for aspirants who are interested in applying for teaching at Unisa, for any of the institution’s undergraduate qualifications like higher certificates, advanced certificates, diplomas, advanced diplomas & degrees.

UNISA Teaching Courses 2022 Closing Date

Usually, Unisa’s undergraduate qualifications are opened from 11 August to 15 October. Therefore, if you are going for teaching courses at the institution, you should ensure you settle all that concerns admission before the closing date.

Hence, all aspirants should ensure they make their application as soon as possible, since the institution may not extend the closing date after it has come. This then should prompt you to have nothing to do with procrastination, because it may cost you a whole lot of time again, since you may have to wait till the following year before you can submit again.

List of Teaching Courses at Unisa To Apply For In 2022

Teaching courses at Unisa are in different forms and for different cadres. Hence, you have a lot of options, but it must be in accordance to your qualifications and level. Here are the Teaching Courses available in the institution:

A. Higher Certificates in Teaching

1. Higher Certificate in Adult Basic Education and Training (98615)
2. Higher Certificate in Education (90093)

B. Diplomas in Teaching

1. Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Foundation Phase and Early Childhood Development) Foundation Phase (02631 – FDP)
2. Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Intermediate and Senior Phase) New Curriculum (02623 – NEW)
3. Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Senior Phase and Further Education and Training) New Curriculum (03980 – NEW)

C. Bachelor Degrees in Teaching

1. Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching (90102)
2. Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase Teaching (90103)
3 Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training
4. Teaching (90104)

The Necessity Of Teachers In South Africa

It is quite known that teachers are very essential in the society due to their functions. They are professionals who can prepare and influence the leaders of tomorrow. They have what it takes to help their students in their different categories and levels. The students attached to their jurisdictions get to learn crucial lessons about different things – even when it comes to respect, making ethical decisions, and so on.

Due to the ways these things are, particularly in our world today, it is necessary for the society to have highly trained teachers today who are very valuable as a result of their training. Gone are the days when you have to make do with mediocrity and all is fine. However, right now, even if you want to teach a group of kids, you should ensure you are properly trained and equipped before stepping into the class. This is important due to the fact that we are in a changed world, and things are no longer the way they used to be.

They are to excel when it comes to sharing knowledge. Of course, the major thing you are to do as a teacher is to impart knowledge to the students. You should realize the fact that this is one of the reasons students are coming to class in the first place. They want to know what they don’t know in the first place, and they see the teacher as an expert that have what it takes to learn from. Therefore, as a teacher, you should be good with what you do. You should know what you teach as much as possible.

Aside the fact that a teacher should be knowledgeable about what he teaches, he should also know how to teach. In other words, it is not simply about you knowing what you can teach, but you should know how to communicate it properly for the students to catch the knowledge.

So, basically, teaching requires expertise, as it entails adhering to a specific curriculum and seeing to it that the learners understand what is being taught. It is fruitless being good with what you know and not able to make the students know it. Therefore, teachers must be properly trained, particularly in such a time as this.

We should also add that the duty of a teacher moves beyond adhering to a specific lesson plan and work schedule. It is a known fact that students and teachers use a whole lot of time together. Therefore, as a teacher, you can be regarded as a sort of secondary parent to your students. Thus, you can be a mentor to assist these young chaps become all they should be in life. You can help set them on the right path of life, and motivate them to be the best they can be.

Finally, teaching is more of a passionate thing, beyond what you do simply for money. Nevertheless, it is important that even teachers in South Africa should earn good. Therefore, many folks interested in studying Teaching are usually searching for the average salary for a Teacher in South Africa. If you are in this category, then you should know that the average teacher in the country earn up to R 258 060 gross per annum. It should of course be noted that some people earn much more than this even as teachers in the country.

In Conclusion

UNISA Teaching Courses 2022 Closing Date is around October. Therefore, depending on when you are seeing this, you can still submit your application before the closing date.