Logistics Requirements At UJ (2023)

The University of Johannesburg is prominent for its amazing expertise in offering top-notch educational services. The University of Johannesburg is a great institution where you can study logistics management. The deep reputation, world-class facilities, and highly skilled tutors are part of the reasons why UJ is a perfect institution to earn a logistics degree. 

I listed logistics requirements at UJ. Also, with good logistics management, business owners can easily impress their customers and give them a better experience. Delivering orders accurately and quickly is an act that is made easier via logistics. With a consistent perfect order delivery, entrepreneurs would also gain lots of new customers. 

Requirements To Study Logistics At UJ

The University of Johannesburg offers a Diploma in logistics. The requirement to earn the certificate will be provided below;

  • Duration of the course: Three Years
  • Minimum APS: 22 with Mathematics or 24 with Mathematical literacy
  • English: 50%
  • Mathematics: 40%
  • Mathematical Literacy: 60%

Major Reasons Why You Should Consider Studying Logistics

Of course, there are multitudinous benefits of incorporating logistics management into a business, besides; are there any advantages you stand to gain for choosing the course? There are different reasons why you should endeavor to chase a logistics career. In this section, the major advantages of being a logistician or studying logistics will be explained

  • Wide Range Of Job Opportunities

As a logistician, you have a great advantage of being able to work in different settings and organizations. As a logistics graduate, you can choose to work with an aviation company- airports or perhaps choose to work at the maritime organizations. Logistics is an important part of every business that cannot be neglected, most especially in this present world. So as a logistics graduate, you are a hot-cake as there are different choices and alternatives for you in the industry you chose. 

  • Extensive Transferrable Skills

Logisticians usually develop comprehensive transferrable skills that can be useful in getting into other fields.  As a logistics worker, you will have to possess certain skills such as creative thinking, critical thinking, intercultural communication, sound-decision making, accountability, life-long learning, and teamwork. The skills that are gathered from logistics are highly important and valuable as they can immensely help you as a logistician if you choose to venture into another field. 

  • Advanced Technological Experience

Logistics is a business activity that highly relies on the usage of modern facilities and technology. Most times, as a logistician, you will have to deal with the latest technology platform or products to carry out your operations. In some countries, like South Africa, they have already started utilizing drones and A1 to offer logistics services. The usage of improved technology materials assists in achieving better monitoring and optimized productivity.  

  • Great Experience In International Business

Apart from the deep experience, you gain as a logistician in the technological aspect, you also stand the chance to travel around the world and gain experience in international business. This is just because logistics is a global business that is highly needed in corporations all over the world. As a logistics worker, your chances to work overseas and in different location increases. This will help in meeting new people, learning new cultures and languages in addition to global logistics skills. 



Logistics simply refers to the general process of managing the way resources are acquired, stored, and shipped to their final destination. In other words, logistics happens when there is the purchase and delivery of raw materials, packaging, shipment, and transportation of products to distributors or owners. Logistics is a whole large industry on its own that is gaining more popularity and importance all over the world.

Logistics is one of the courses with higher attention not just in South Africa but all around the world. The huge benefits that business organizations derive from utilizing logistics activity are one of the reasons why the course’s popularity keeps increasing. 

This is a modern world, where people want to do things easily and in the most effective way. The usage of logistics helps to increase the level of business proficiency and ratings. Choosing to study logistics is a great and sound decision. 

The huge prominence and value the logistics industry gains are due to its high benefits. First, Logistics management is a good strategy that a company utilizes to reduce its expenses and increase its efficiency. 

In South Africa, one of the best universities where you can achieve a logistics certificate is UJ. The University of Johannesburg is internationally known for its profound educational heritage. So if you choose to study logistics at UJ, you have made the right decision. Moreover, in this article, the necessary information related to studying logistics at the University of Johannesburg has been provided.