List Of All UNISA Courses Without Matric (2025)

There are many folks usually looking around for courses they can study without needing a Matric. Indeed, while a matric opens a wide array of doors for a student, it is actually possible to do some courses in Unisa without you having a matric. Even if you have a Matric, it is not a big factor needed to study these particular courses

Gone are the days when a person without matric will be made to feel hopeless and helpless. The truth is, right now, while a Matric certificate is still very much relevant and important, one can still get a decent career without it. One can still study further even without having one.

Academically, in South Africa, matric is a qualification on NQF level 4. And truly, there are several other courses students can study that are accredited on NQF level 4. While they won’t produce a matric certificate, the fact remains that the courses can still give learners accredited, recognised alternative qualifications which can be utilized to study up to NQF level 6 in South Africa.

Matric is just an entry requirement to further studies, as made by the system for reasonable purposes. It doesn’t really prepare students for a specific course. Despite all these, certain courses have been prepared to enable folks without matric the opportunity to still further their studies. At UNISA, these courses are available, serving different purposes.

UNISA Courses Without Matric

– Beauty Therapy Studies

– Bookkeeping and Accounting Studies

– Child Day Care Studies

– Computer Studies

– Management Studies

– Occupational Health and Safety Studies

– Policing, Investigations and Forensic Studies

– Project Management Studies

– Workplace Administration and Secretarial Studies

– Work Environment Skills Quick Courses

That’s the list of courses at Unisa that does not require matric as an entry to further studies. Students can enroll and start engaging in these courses without having a matric certificate, as it’s not part of the qualifications that should be fulfilled. For these courses, the primary requirement is usually that one has to be older than age 16. The person is also expected to have complete Grade 10.

To enroll in such courses at UNISA, students are also meant to be able to read, write and understand the English language, as they are usually offered in English. As you will also get to see, a large chunk of these courses are targeted at a career.

As far as these courses are concerned in UNISA, you don’t need to have a Matric certificate before you can enroll, as it’s not an essential aspect of the entry requirements. So, don’t let anything stop you from progressing in your career because you don’t have a Matric yet. Simply choose any of the above courses and build something worthwhile around them.

Nevertheless, if you don’t fancy any of the courses up there, or they don’t align with your career, you might have to look wider. To do that, have a Matric rewrite and be qualified to get enrolled in a wider array of courses. Here are some of the courses you can opt for, with matric though:

BACHELOR OF ARTS in Environmental Management (98055)

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in Computing Computing (98906 – COM)

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in Informatics Informatics (98907 – INF)

Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Financial Accounting Financial Accounting (98302 – FAC)

Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Internal Auditing Internal Auditing (98303 – AUI)

Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Management Accounting Management Accounting(98304 – MAC)

Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Taxation Taxation (98318 – TAX)

Bachelor of Administration Administration (98315 – BAD)

Bachelor of Administration in Human Settlements Management Human Settlements Management (90016 – HSM)

Bachelor of Arts (99311)

Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts) Multimedia Studies: Audiovisual Multimedia (02305 – MA1)

Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts) Multimedia Studies: Computer-Generated Multimedia(02305 – MC1)

Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts) Multimedia Studies: Multimedia in Digital Visual Arts(02305 – MMD)

Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts) Multimedia Studies: Visual Multimedia (02305 – MV1)

Bachelor of Arts (Health Sciences and Social Services) Applied Psychology for Professional Contexts (02313 – APP)

Bachelor of Arts (Health Sciences and Social Services) Community and Health Psychology(02313 – CHP)

Bachelor of Arts (Health Sciences and Social Services) Psychological Counselling (02313 – COU)

Bachelor of Arts (Human and Social Studies) Public Administration and Communication Facilitation (02291 – PAF)

Bachelor of Arts in Communication Science (98051)

Bachelor of Arts in Community Development (98618)

Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing (99313)

Bachelor of Arts in Criminology (98681)

Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies (99312)

Bachelor of Arts in Forensic Science and Technology (90002)

Bachelor of Arts in Government, Administration, and Development (99301)

Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (99302)

Bachelor of Arts in Nursing Science Health Services Management and Education (0216X – HHS)

Bachelor of Arts in Nursing Science Health Services Management, Education and Community Health (0216X – HSM)

Bachelor of Arts in Police Science (98683)

Bachelor of Arts in Policy Studies (99303)

Bachelor of Arts in Political Leadership and Citizenship (99304)

Bachelor of Arts in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (90079)

Bachelor of Business Administration Business Administration (98316 – BBA)

Bachelor of Commerce (Generic) (Generic) (98314 – GEN)

Bachelor of Commerce in Business Informatics Business Informatics (98300 – BIS)

Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management Business Management (98310 – BSM)

Bachelor of Commerce in Economics Economics (98305 – ECS)

Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Management Financial Management (98306 – FMN)

Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management Human Resource Management(98307 – HRM)

Bachelor of Commerce in Industrial and Organisational Psychology Industrial and Organisational Psychology (98308 – IOP)

Bachelor of Commerce in Law Law (98309 – LAW)

Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management Marketing Management (98301 – MKT)

Bachelor of Commerce in Public Procurement Management Public Procurement Management (98767 – PPM)

Bachelor of Commerce in Quantitative Management Quantitative Management (98311 – QMA)

Bachelor of Commerce in Supply Chain and Operations Management Supply Chain and Operations Management (98766 – SCM)

Bachelor of Commerce in Tourism Management Tourism Management (98312 – TRT)

Bachelor of Commerce in Transport and Logistics Transport and Logistics (98313 – TRL)

Bachelor of Consumer Science (Fashion Retail Management Stream) (98005 – FAR)

Bachelor of Consumer Science (Fashion Small-business Management Stream) (98005 – FSB)

Bachelor of Consumer Science (Food Retail Management Stream) (98005 – FOR)

Bachelor of Consumer Science (Food and Clothing Stream) (98005 – FCL)

Bachelor of Consumer Science (Food and Nutrition Stream) (98005 – FNU)

Bachelor of Consumer Science (Hospitality Management Stream) (98005 – HOM)

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Development: Foundation Phase) (02593)

Bachelor of Education (Intermediate and Senior Phase) (02607)

Bachelor of Education (Senior and Further Education and Training Phases) (02615)

Bachelor of Information Science (99310)

Bachelor of Laws (98680)

Bachelor of Music in Musicology (99308)


In conclusion, you can decide to further your study by choosing one of the courses without matric requirement or do a matric rewrite to have more courses to choose from.